101 Guide to Product Sourcing & Selling on eBay

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Developing Your Business With Wholesale Suppliers Why do you need a Wholesale Supplier?
The vast majority of people selling on eBay today, started out by selling a few things they had lying around the house. They soon realized that, not only was it incredibly easy to find hungry buyers on eBay, but also these buyers were prepared to buy just about anything. If you’ve seen the amazing potential eBay offers, and have decided you want to increase your eBay sales, what next? However much unwanted clutter you have lying around the house, garage, or attic, sooner or later you are going to run out of things to sell. Many successful eBay sellers will crawl all over yard sales, second hand shops, and the classified ads to try and find something cheap which they can then sell on for a profit. But this is unlikely to offer a reliable supply, and what if you want to sell items that aren’t available?
If you’ve decided you want to develop your eBay business, or any e-commerce business where you’re selling products, you’re going to need to find a wholesale supplier. A reputable and reliable supplier should be able to provide you with a volume of products at discounted prices, which you can then resell to make a profit, often with very healthy profit margins.
For some, the idea of working with a wholesaler might be a little daunting. How do you go about finding a reputable supplier who won’t rip you off, and when you find one, how do you approach them and what can you expect from them? The growth of the internet and the increase in the number of professional eBay sellers and other small businesses selling online has meant that the traditional image of a wholesale supplier has changed. They are now much easier to find, easier to approach, and prepared to offer much more flexibility when it comes to dealing with small businesses, or traders who are starting out. Occasionally, you might come across a supplier who insists they are "trade only", but as long as you are buying their products to resell in some shape or form, then you are a trader. Download this book