22 powerful tools to transform your fear In happiness, peace and inspiration Fear is certainly one of the strongest and most influential answers that we have emotional, and can act as a protective and destructive force depending on the situation.
Obviously, the fear can help us avoid dangerous situations, which caused the fight or flight response when we feel threatened. Unfortunately, this same response can also be activated when no real threat exists. We simply are overwhelmed and anxious, even when we know logically that will not hurt us.
For many of us, fear can become a serious obstacle in our lives that prevents us from getting a better job of meeting eligible partners life, seeking medical care, or even venture out of our households in severe cases.
Fear is one of the most common reasons that people have to live again the life of your dreams. Even if you want hard to create better circumstances, you can fight with a overwhelming fear of failure, so they refuse to take risks because they may have to endure unpleasant results. In these cases the risk of failure seems to be greater than the benefits of success, so you have nothing to do.
Fear of success can be a major obstacle, and make people feel stressed and overwhelmed by the additional responsibilities that may come with greater success. You may fear not being able to handle the responsibilities, or worry that they would feel pressured to maintain the same level of success in the future. These fears are often sufficient to cause people to sabotage their own efforts, even if we sincerely want to be more successful. Either way, fear is strong enough to cripple most of us - if things are real fear or imagined.
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