Environment, Sustainable Growth Strategies
Table of contents
- sdfsdf
- Executive summary 2
- Observation one: Green demand grows.
- Case study: The "power" behind green technology demand
- PwC connections: Tackle both sides of the environmental balance sheet
- Questions for further reflection
- Observation two: Green requires industry collaboration.
- Case study: Collaboration is the green key: Three successful examples
- PwC connections: Optimising and safeguarding the green supply chain
- Questions for further reflection
- Observation three: Taking proactive steps towards sustainability.
- Case study: Sony Electronics and Waste Management, Inc.: A model for managing electronic waste
- PwC connections: Redefining sustainability risk
- Questions for further reflection
- Observation four: Hardware and software opportunities.
- Case study: Royal Dutch Philips Electronics: The pursuit of green products and operations
- PwC connections: Measuring up: Sustainability reporting in the technology industries
- Questions for further reflection
- Conclusion 50
- Appendix
- Survey methodology
- Results of the survey
- Profile of the survey respondents
- Acknowledgments
- Of further interest: Related reports
- PwC technology industry leaders
Summary : Consumers, governments, regulators and, increasingly, businesses are seeing green. A growing wave of global environmentalism is forcing technology companies to produce greener products through greener processes. To assist executives in understanding the new "environmental" environment, in late 2007 the EIU and PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted a global survey of 148 executives and supplemented the findings with over 20 in-depth executive interviews. Though the specific focus may vary, the research shows that technology companies are indeed implementing a variety of green-oriented strategies.
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