How To Raise Healthy Kids For Life
5 Steps You Can Take Today To Change Your Child's Future

Childhood obesity is growing at an alarming rate. You know that. You hear the news, read the articles and watch the reality shows on television. Our beautiful children are suffering from diabetes, heart disease, eating disorders, and the resulting shame that being overweight often results in. They deserve better. They deserve to live rich, full lives abundant with laughter, activity and the joy of feeling pride in themselves. They deserve to look in the mirror and be proud of who they are. This isn’t about vanity it’s about self-confidence.

Our children are our responsibility. Even as they grow into adults, if we haven’t provided them with a foundation of healthy skills and habits, they will suffer and make harmful health choices. The following pages will highlight on ten very important, but simple steps that you can take today to change your child’s life for the better. These steps will teach them how to care for themselves so that they feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Don’t stress ‘diet’s’ or ‘weight loss’ in children. It only teaches them to be self conscious and ashamed of their bodies. Teach your children to appreciate themselves for who they are and to be the best person that they can be. When they love themselves, they’ll take better care of their bodies as children and as adults.

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