Life on the Road: A Virtual Seminar for RV Nomads

Hold on a minute! What on earth is a Virtual Seminar?
Well, it certainly is different. Heres how we did it

As you can imagine, during 37 years of hands-on involvement in remote, nomadic lifestyles ? writing, researching, tutoring, and of course, wandering the backblocks living it ? my wife, Jill, and I came across the writings and the wisdom of some of the most experienced nomads the outdoor world has ever seen. In fact almost everything we have read has, in some small way, helped nurture and shape our own gipsy lifestyle. Lets face it, theres no point any of us blundering along, making mistakes, when theres an abundance of advice available that will show us where the rough spots are!

Consequently ? and based on our firm belief that anyone who yearns to follow that Freedom Road can learn the necessary skills and techniques through that very same process ? we started putting together a huge collection of ideas, tips and advice from those many dedicated, full-time wanderers who travelled that road before us. Pretty soon it became obvious that we had more than enough information to organise a seminar!

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